Invisalign is a great solution for adults

No adult wants to hear they should go through orthodontic treatment or retreatment. However, adult orthodontics can give you the same beautiful smile your children have. Modern orthodontics offers adults multiple choices to treat their condition, including Invisalign.

More adults are turning to Invisalign to treat their crooked or misaligned teeth. They are discreet and comfortable and provide stunning results that transform smiles. Before beginning treatment, it's helpful to understand a few key points.

Invisalign Treats Many Conditions

There are many oral conditions you may deal with as an adult, including a crossbite or crowded teeth. Other conditions Invisalign can treat include:

  • Misaligned teeth
  • Overbite
  • Underbite
  • Open bite

Clear aligners, like Invisalign, effectively treat many of these conditions. Unfortunately, some cases are too complex, meaning you would need to undergo traditional braces.

Invisalign Treatment Times Are Shorter

In addition to being virtually invisible, Invisalign treatment is often significantly shorter than conventional braces. For example, some patients complete treatment in as little as six months. However, the actual length of treatment varies based on your unique needs.

No Food Restrictions With Invisalign

One of the most significant advantages to Invisalign is that you won't have the same food restrictions as you would with traditional orthodontics. These appliances can be removed when it's time to eat. However, brushing your teeth before putting them back in your mouth is crucial.

Find Out if Invisalign is Right For You

Contact Pinnacle Dental in Grove City to learn more about discreet orthodontic treatment with Invisalign. Dr. Kottman can examine your teeth and see if Invisalign is the right orthodontic solution for you. Schedule your evaluation today!